How to Get Help When Going Through Workers Compensation
When you are on the job, there are a lot of physical activities that you are going to have to perform, and it’s important that you can do this in a safe environment. However, when an accident occurs that was not at the fault of your own, then you may find yourself going through a worker compensation situation. Trust that you are not alone and many people have gone through this before. One common thing you will hear many of those that have suffered a work injury is to seek help from a DOL doctor, and here are a few steps to help you get started.
Schedule a Consultation with a DOL Doctor
You can begin by scheduling a free consultation with a DOL OWCP doctor that will be at no-obligation to you. This way you have a pressure free atmosphere to discuss what you are going through and then you can make a confident decision with the information you have received. You can write down questions ahead of time if you need more clarification on things like OWCP claims and what your next steps should be as far as paperwork and recovery. The more information you have when going through a work injury, the easier you will rest at night knowing that you are working towards the compensation you deserve.
Learn More About How Your Injury Is Linked to Work
When you go to a general physician for an injury that occurred at work, if they are not experienced with workers compensation, they may not be as clear in the paperwork because they don’t have experience linking the injury to work actions. A DOL doctor understands that clear and precise documentation is crucial for you to get compensation, and they make sure that lawyers and employers can identify the injury with the incident it occurred at.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions
As mentioned above, it’s a good idea to write down any questions you have and don’t be afraid to ask them no matter how major or minor they may be. A DOL doctor will treat you with respect and is here to help you get through the work injury with less stress and headaches so you can get focus on getting your body healthy and going back to work. A consultation does not take long and it doesn’t cost a penny, so start there to get assistance.